Continuous Improvement
Is your business ticking over nicely?
Are you still working the same way you were last year, 2 years or even 5 years ago?
Or are you constantly looking for new, better ways of working…
…how you can do your work quicker, better, more accurately…
…are you looking for new services that you can offer to those you already provide to clients…
…are you getting feedback from your team, clients, service providers and other accountants on how you can improve?
If you’re not there’s a chance you could get left behind, the idea that you’re not improving you’ll be going backwards.
Thinking about how the accounting sector has been transformed over the last 10 years and the speed of this transformation over the last 2-3 years tells me that its essential that we need to look for and work on continuously improving what it is we do.
Whether that is better ways of working, new services to offer or focusing on what’s important for us, our families, our teams and our clients on a personal level.
Continuous improvement is a what the members of our Mastermind groups are working to achieve.
Hearing what other accountants are doing that is or isn’t working, asking questions about subjects relevant to them and their businesses right now and getting feedback, support and advice from other members enables them to achieve this.
And then taking action, making those changes and improving.
These improvements taken in isolation can often appear small and insignificant, but when all the improvements you’ve made over a 12-month period are added together the impact can be HUGE.
So, keep working on improving, but don’t try and do it all on your own; share, learn and collaborate with others and you’ll get there far quicker.