5 Ways I Transformed my Business no. 5: Team

Final point in this series – but the most important one if you want to grow and improve your practice. For a long time I was resistant to having any team members. I had worked in big businesses before I started my practice and had been responsible for teams of up to 30 people. This was draining in itself; it often felt like having 30 children! For too long I…  Read more

5 Ways I Transformed my Business no. 1: Systems and Processes

When starting out I had no set or predefined systems or processes. I had left practice very soon after qualifying and the practice work experience I had was mostly in audit. It wasn’t the best training for me if I was going to start running a small practice! I knew the work that needed to be done but I had no system. I learnt on the job so to speak…  Read more

5 Ways I Transformed my Business

If I look at my practice now, in 2021, it’s completely different to what I envisaged it would look like in 2012 when I started – and also every year in between. We start our accountancy practices for many reasons, but we don’t just start them to be busy. Most of us start our practices to give us a better life. This could be more money, more time with our…  Read more

What do you want?

I remember very clearly the first time I was asked what I wanted to achieve in my business life. I had qualified as an accountant, left practice shortly after and was enjoying working in industry. At the time I was working as a Financial Accountant for a private rail freight operator, one which had been born out of the merger of three separate divisions of British Rail post privatisation. The…  Read more

The Practice Mechanic | Interview with Glenn Martin, Avery Martin

About this session Every episode, Mark Telford sits down with an accountant in practice and look under the bonnet of their accountancy practice. Click here to listen on AccountingWeb In this episode, Mark talks to Glenn Martin, award-winning accountant and business growth specialist who needs little introduction. The owner and CEO of Northeast firm Avery Martin is a long-standing Any Answers regular better known to AccountingWEB members under his nom…  Read more

Is a fear of failure holding you back?

When I was 8 years old I got stuck at the top of a tree, I’d climbed too high and couldn’t get down. I froze. I’d looked down, seen how high it was and just froze. All my friends had climbed the same tree, just as high, and had managed to get back down. I couldn’t, the fear of not being able to get down safely stopped me moving. One…  Read more

Belief Is Irresistible

Phil Knight the co-founder of Nike wrote this in his memoir Shoe Dog after describing the ease with which he could sell track shoes compared to his abject failure at selling encyclopedias. “Believing in what you do is essential to achieving the success you deserve. Yes, having belief alone won’t ensure success but without it you will really struggle. Combine belief with a great business idea then that truly can…  Read more

People Don’t Know What They Want

“People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” This is a great quote. It’s by Steve Jobs and describes so accurately what it is that Apple does through its innovation. But it should also be applied to your accountancy practice and specifically the services you provide. Have you ever had a client leave because they’d spoken to another accountant who offered to provide monthly management accounts,…  Read more

What Was I Doing!

In June 1999 I started a new job with a mixture of emotions. Excited about the opportunity the new job offered, and terrified that I was out of my depth (imposter syndrome popping up again). However, I was determined to make it a success. I was prepared to do what was needed (the ‘D’ element of my disc profile coming out here). Head down and just get on with it…  Read more

Where Do I Start?

Recognising that your accountancy practice isn’t working the way you want is the first step. At this point it’s natural to feel a sense of overwhelming anxiety and think “where do I start?!” It can feel like there’s so much to do and that it all needs to be done at the same time. This happened to me a few years ago. My practice had increased fee income by 30%…  Read more

When Do I Start?

I was 45 when I started my accountancy practice. It wasn’t a conscious “right, time to start”, it wasn’t a gut reaction. The decision required the coming together of a series of events, ideas, thoughts and opportunities. It was a gradual move towards starting. I had left practice very soon after qualifying and swore I would never return. It was a bleak uninspiring experience – dull work, poor pay, too…  Read more

The Light Bulb Moment – Bridging the gap between business & personal goals

The five questions every new business owner should ask themselves We all know that starting a new business is a test of nerve, energy and resilience. But does it have to be? What if there was a way to focus on what we really want to achieve – not just in business but in life too – and find a plan that connects the two. Mark Telford explains how connecting…  Read more

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